(Her: Joanna)
You can literally feel you are in Jordan. The dryness of Jordan felt like all of the
moisture in my skin was being suck out of me.
Jordan is very different from all the cities we had been to so far. Like how the picture depicted in my child
bible, it is yellow and with buildings with 1 -2 stories high covering the
endless number of hills that make up the city of Amman.
Jordan is the first country that I have been to who you will
definitely feel 100% welcome. No matter
where you go, a local will say “Welcome” to you. I think “welcome” may be the first or only
English word they know. It is such a
pleasant feeling to be greeted and welcomed when you visit a foreign
While you think that everyone in Jordan is nice and
friendly, little did you know that when a female is walking on the street alone,
the local might be commenting that you are a whore in Arabic while you think they are saying "Welcome" in Arabic - true story from a
friend we’ve met who strolled on the street with her friend who knows Arabic.